Course curriculum

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  • 02

    Equipment for Creative Lighting

    Show Content
    • 07 - Shooting Equipment - part I
    • 08 - Shooting Equipment - part II
    • 09 - Shooting Equipment - part III
    • 10 - The Bazooka
    • 11 - Building the Bazooka
    • 12 - The other tools
  • 03

    Preliminary Concepts

    Show Content
    • 13 - Keeping the client involved
    • 14 - Framing and the advertising texture
    • 15 - True space vs. less is more
  • 04

    Getting Everything Ready

    Show Content
    • 16 - A brief description of the technique
    • 17 - Preparing the scene - part I
    • 18 - Preparing the scene - part II
    • 19 - Avoiding the most common traps
  • 05

    Lighting and Shooting the Scene

    Show Content
    • 20 - Introduction to the lighting process
    • 21 - 1st step: the natural light
    • 22 - 2nd step: the original light
    • 23 - 3rd step: the creative light
    • 24 - A new word for our glossary
    • 25 - Back to Creative Lighting
    • 26 - Shooting session - final thoughts
  • 06

    Post Production

    Show Content
    • 27 - Introduction to post production
    • 28 - Harmonizing color temperature
    • 29 - Photoshop screencast part I
    • 30 - Photoshop screencast part II
    • 31 - Case study: the bar
    • 32 - Case study: the meeting room
    • 33 - Your first solo flight
  • 07

    Tips and Tricks

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    • 34 - Two scenes in one day
    • 35 - Day, night, day for night
    • 36 - Many frames vs. few frames
    • 37 - Other tools: the Quartz Light
    • 38 - Other tools: the Hand Spot
    • 39 - Other tools: the Wand
    • 40 - Creating amazing light effects
    • 41 - Planning the shooting session - part I
    • 42 - Planning the shooting session - part II
    • 43 - Taking advantage of the unexpected
    • 44 - Master diffuse and specular reflections
    • 45 - In something moves in the scene
    • 46 - Noise: make your photo smooth as silk
    • 47 - Making reflective surfaces look beautiful
    • 48 - Deciding when to stop
    • 49 - Distortions: keystoning
    • 50 - Correcting keystoning
    • 51 - Distortions: barrel/pincushion
    • 52 - Swiping with the bazooka
  • 08

    Making the Room's Layout Work for You

    Show Content
    • 55 - Changing the room's layout - case study I
    • 54 - Changing the room's layout - case study II
    • 53 - Changing the room's layout - case study III
  • 09

    Support material

    Show Content
    • PSD files - full version
    • PSD files - compacted version
    • Flattened files
    • Bazooka blueprint
    • Bazooka blueprint
    • Photoshop Actions
  • 10


    Show Content
    • 56 - Conclusion

Support material

  • PSD files

    Several full resolution PSD files, with all layers used to create the photo. You'll be able to see *exactly* how the final image was made.

  • Flattened files

    Many flattened files - full resolution - so you can see in detail the subtleties of Creative Lighting.

  • Blueprints

    Blueprints so you can build your own lighting tools at a very low cost.

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