
Welcome to the Creative Lighting for Interiors Photography course.

Have you ever wondered how those beautiful advertising images of interiors are made? How these photographers can control light like that? This is your chance to find out their secret!

What's in for you

Creative Lighting?

Interiors photography can be quite challenging, but it doesn’t exactly allow our imagination to go wild, does it? We find the best framings, deal with the ever present drama of big contrast of light and shadow - especially interior vs. exterior, natural vs. artificial - and that’s it, right?
Well, it doesn’t have to be like this.
Creative Lighting gives you the most precise control over light you could possibly imagine. I’m talking surgical precision here, trust me. Lighting your scenes creatively makes you step from the realm of technical challenge into the realm of ultimate creative freedom, and these are completely different worlds. The technical drama suddenly becomes a white canvas for your imagination. Wanna discover a whole new world of interiors lighting for advertising photography? Then join me on this course. The first lessons are free!

What students say about it

  • Daniel Vandolph

    "Excellent material, taught in a comprehensive, detailed and pleasant manner. Highly recommended!"

  • Hamza Smyej

    "I was looking for this type of courses for a long time. Thank you very much Fabio."

  • Alex Vujicic

    "I now believe everything has its reasons and they seem to fit or in this case work very well. I really like how everything is controlled from the use of Photoshop tools, to masking and the strategy of where to dodge. I do enjoy this course so far. Very well! and amazing job!"

About your instructor

In 1997 I entered the University of São Paulo to course Architecture and Urbanism. This course had a very wide curriculum and included classes on typography, graphic design, photography, video and many more. I enjoyed architecture a lot back then, however as I got involved with photography I really got hooked, so when I graduated in 2003 I decided to become a professional photographer. I started out with architecture and interiors photography and slowly tried to expand my market into products as well. In 2006 I began working with Mitsubishi, which opened the doors to what was going to be my second specialty in photography: cars. Today cars and interiors are my specialties and most of what I do.

Fabio Bustamante

Fabio Bustamante

